Mobile app for fuel company

Mobile app for fuel company

EICO is a Fuel company that supplies professional service for non-cash transactions for transport and Icostics firms, EIOO is web solution for Petrol station network accepting QOO cards in 23 European and Asian countries. So the customer wanted to develop customized CRM and mobile applications.

Our company built fully customized CRM integ rated into the workflow and mobile application. Mobile app helps drivers on the road. The service allows to instantly check liters available on the card and quickty find EIOO petrol stations. The app is available in Aussian, Polish and English.

Other app features: check liters avai lable for the card; interactive map of E1OO stations;quickly find the nearest EIOO petrol stations; smart route planner with QOO gætrol stations; EIOO petrol stations filter by fuel type, station brand name and additional services; complete information Of the certain petrol station; share your geolocation instantly with your manager; quickly find hotline and road assistance numbers in your country; abi lity to choose a Country for Checking available liters.