Mobile app to meet the strangers around

Mobile app to meet the strangers around

The customer wanted to develop a private, controlled app allowing users to meet the strangers around and find out if this people are interested in.

On the Sumtu project our company created an mobile app(Android ans iOS), which is a mutual best friend, confidentially finding out if both parties are interested before making an introduction.user can find person by name, email, phone number, social media profile or even by a thing like a license plate or a flight seat number in a radius of 30 metros.It allows users to find out if they had been noticed and to also make approaching in public easier before an introduction was made.< p >

Sumtu is an mobile app for people, who want to avoid public rejection and embarrassment and helps you to find out if a crush likes you back and all people can use our application.It is really user- friendly and works all over the world.