
White-label lending and investment software that is used to create financial services in EU.
Tech stack:
Django, Vue, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, AWS services.

Initial goal:
to create platform that would work independently from particular regulations or financial institutions.
We’ve implemented the structure that consists of several key parts:
Financial core:
transaction-based core that handle all the money flow inside the platform. Every change of the balance is duplicated by transaction record that make platform transparent and auditable. We referred core banking solutions and replicated some logic.
API core:
we provide well-documented and flexible API that makes it possible to connect our platform with different frontends, including websites and mobile applications. So our clients could be independent and flexible in their marketing activities.
Modules core:
additional layer between apps core functionality and any 3rd-party services. As a result - any new integration with payments providers (both fiat and crypto) or KYS services takes minimum amount of time.

We’ve developed a flexible platform that could be easily adapted to any financial regulation and integrated with any payment providers and KYC services.
6months, and we continue to improve it and create new features.
Initial part has been developed using waterfall methodology, as we had to create secure and reliable application core to handle all the financial transactions. Then we switched to agile development in order to provide our customers with new functionality and improve end-users experience.

More than 5m EURO have been invested using our solution for p2p-investment platforms already. As a lending management solution it operates with 10m+ EURO portfolios.
This case proved that our company can create reliable solutions in such sensitive industry as FinTech and be trusted by thousands of users.
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SaaS Platform for p2p lending
Online ordering system